One of the most common reasons people give for neglecting general health and fitness is a lack of time. But considering the fact that looking after yourself gives you such a powerful return on investment, this isn’t good prioritizing. Even though we live in an increasingly frantic world, we all need to find ways to stack the chips in our favour as best we can. So, if you’re the one who’s always using time (or a lack thereof) as an excuse for not getting in shape, here are some fast, small habits which when added up, can make a big difference.
1. Sleep More - Sleep as much as you can, as often as you can
OK, I understand this does require a sacrifice of time, but the payoffs are so great that it’s on the list – that and the fact that almost everybody does not get enough sleep. We should aim to get 7-9 hours every night, without exception.
Sleeping properly will make it easier to lose weight, improve your cognitive abilities, jump-start all aspects of your health and fitness, and generally help you feel happier. If you saw a product or supplement that did that on a late night TV advert or a Facebook ad, you’d buy it. You can have it for free – just go to bed earlier!
2. Walk More
Simplicity has been the theme so far, and this is another great return on investment activity. Just making a habit to do extra incidental activity throughout the day can be very powerful. Walk to get to work or the shops, park further away from your destination for the extra walk, take the stairs, take the scenic route, walk around while you make your phone calls – find ways to sneak it in. I often hear about people losing weight on holidays just because they switched from sitting down all day to walking around all day. It all adds up.
3. Drink More Water
It takes about 20-30 seconds to drink a glass of water. Many people do not drink enough and dehydration can have a significant impact on health, weight loss and energy levels. If this sounds like you, drink more water by either keeping a water bottle with you to keep it at the top of your mind, or by connecting to a regular habit you already have (i.e. drink a glass of water after every time you go to the toilet).