UWI Pelicans - we invite you to participate in this programme. It is a wonderful way to leave a legacy that will impact the next generation - simply by remembering The UWI in your wills.
We encourage you to discuss with your attorney-at-law the best way to include The UWI in your will and look forward to your participation in the Legacy Programme. .
All Pelicans are encouraged to support the UWI Legacy Programme which is a part of the IAD’s philanthropic thrust, in which alumni may participate..
You may designate/specify any of the above or give to the general fund which will assign the funds to the area of greatest need.
Note: The UWI Legacy Programme was created and implemented by the Director of Alumni Relations for The UWI, with the assistance of the University Legal Unit in 2006.
For further information kindly contact the Institutional Advancement Division at iad@alumni.uwi.edu
We look forward to you leaving your UWI Legacy!